Leonidovka - Marians of the Immaculate Conception - Tajynsza

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Filial Chapels

A village in the parish of the Holy Family in Tayinsha, some 35 km from the town. The beginnings of this settlement can be traced to exiles of Polish and German extraction forcibly resettled here from Ukraine in 1936. Currently the village is inhabited by different nationalities that include Russians, Ukrainians, Germans and Kazakhs, as well as Poles.

Although Catholicism is professed by only a small percentage of the population, since 2007 there has nonetheless been a Catholic chapel here, dedicated to "Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners". The chapel is a filial church of the parish church in Tayinsha. Regularly, twice a week, there are services that are attended by the faithful, who can number up to a few dozen and includes several children.

On Sundays, the faithful, along with a few Orthodox Christians and some people who have not been baptised, gather for the Liturgy of the Word. Whereas on Tuesdays they gather for Holy Mass, celebrated by priests who commute from Tayinsha. Even before the chapel was opened and on 30 th October 2007 consecrated by Archbishop Tomasz Peta, the faithful would gather in private homes for prayers led by a priest.

In recent years several people from the community have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion; two couples have received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony; and others are in various stages of preparation. The community from Leonidovka is the youngest one in the parish of Tayinsha, and the evangelisation of its children and adults starts with the basics.

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